T - Metaphysical Properties
- Ideal meditative tools, helping one expand consciousness into the highest frequencies
- Powerful psychic travel tools, helping one move beyond the limitations of time & space to experience different realms & other world
- Known for raising ones vibration & strengthening the aura
Third Eye Agate
- Provide protection against evil
- Enhance psychic abilities, intuition, extrasensory, perception, imagination & concentration
- Balances physical, emotional & intellectual bodies with the etheric energies
Tiger Eye
- Protection stone
- Brings good luck
- Stabilises mood swings
- Inspires willpower, purpose, courage & self-confidence
- Grounding
- Releases tension
Associated with Zodiac: Capricorn
- Known as stone of love and good fortune
- Brings truth and wisdom
- It aids in clear communication
- Brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health
- Releases tension and inducing relaxation
- Promotes openness and honesty
Associated with Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Tourmalated Quartz
- Powerful shield stone-can amplify and return negative energy or can convert negative into a positive energy
- Excellent stone to balance mind, body and spirit
- Protection against harmful energies
- Facilitates clear thinking
- Lifts depression, fears and releases tension
- Great energetic cleansing effect on the aura, energy session and gridwork
Energies: Luck, Healing, Protection
Associated with Zodiac: Capricorn
Tree Agate
- Brings fullness and abundance to all areas of life
- Stone of plenitude
- Creates a peaceful environment & encourages the enjoyment of each moment.
- Deepens your connection to the earth.
- Brings stability in times of strife or confusion
- Lends perseverance & the ability to see difficulties as a challenge
Associated with Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio
- Assists in visualization and imagery
- Helpful in achieving a peaceful state during meditation
- Helps break the bonds of co-dependency, allowing detachment without judgement & promotes unconditional love
- Promotes positive attitude, relaxation and calmness